• Question: what is the most dangerous thing about your field of work?

    Asked by anon-223015 to Valerio, Sreejita, Sam, Kate, Anastasia, Adam on 18 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Sreejita Ghosh

      Sreejita Ghosh answered on 18 Nov 2019:

      Sometimes when I am trying to debug a code (find the source of error or strange results in a code) it can take hours. Sitting in the same position for hours causes damage to the spinal cord and I have also had dehydration during these debugging hours. Machine learning (computing science) is fun and some days things are done in a jiffy, while on some other days it leads to us being in the same posture for extended period of time (just because we get so much into the code that we cannot think of anything else, not even our own suffering spinal cord). That apart continuous exposure to the computer screen might have an adverse effect on the eyes (however my supervisor has perfect eyesight whereas I have a power of -2D). 🙁
      But this “sitting at desk” problem is not confined to our job only. Any office job has this risk. That is why nowadays people are shifting to having sit-stand desks 🙂 Relax, computing science / data science related jobs are much much safer than say doing research in a coal mine or bat cave or researching crocodiles in the wild 🙂

    • Photo: Anastasia Aliferi

      Anastasia Aliferi answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      Since I work with human blood, the most dangerous thing is that it can often carry deadly diseases that I could catch if I’m not careful. I had to go through a lot of training and get extra vaccinations before starting my project.

    • Photo: Adam Wootton

      Adam Wootton answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      Everybody I know who did a PhD has a bad back from having bad posture when sitting at a computer! Working on a road late at night is also quite dangerous, as lorries will drive past you at a very high speed.
