• Question: Hello! My sister in primary school had a passion for science, asking for science sets for Christmas ect. Since moving up to high school she has lost her interest and I feel its a huge shame as she enjoined it and loved it. My worry is that her friends have talked her out of enjoying it as to some it may come a cross as a nerdy subject. What can I do to help her support he interest in science?

    Asked by anon-223403 to Adam, Anastasia, Kate, Sam, Sreejita, Valerio on 15 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Sreejita Ghosh

      Sreejita Ghosh answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      Hi! I had been through a similar situation. Though I wasn’t talked out of it by any friends but it was due to a terrible Physics teacher picking on me because I used to be a shy and soft-spoken person back then. Try to involve her in hobbies which will give her added edge if she studies science. Encourage her to do photography and that way Optics of Physics will be of interest to her. Involve her in helping you make a Arduino based project as a game thing, and she will learn about electricity, circuit laws. If she is interested in cooking or in using cosmetics encourage her to look at the chemical compositions. Cooking is after all Chemistry between the different spices. Wrt Maths and Computer science maybe give her something repetitive (counting few things over and over using a quadratic equation maybe) and show her how Maths and Computer science can do that in a jiffy. Watch Science fiction movies and tv series with her. Best of all, show her the Doctor WHO episodes with David Tennant – The 10th Doctor can help with her interest back to Science through Science fiction 🙂 😉

    • Photo: Anastasia Aliferi

      Anastasia Aliferi answered on 18 Nov 2019:

      I think a lot of people go through phases like that, sometimes it’s their friends making them think science is ‘uncool’, or even their teachers not being supportive/enthusiastic enough. I think one of the reasons I fell out with one of the language courses in my school was that I had an awful teacher one year. There is no way of forcing this, the best approach would be to trigger her interest again by doing something ‘sciency’ at home, like a small experiment, or take her to one of the big exhibitions like New Scientist Live.
