• Question: Do you like Physics?

    Asked by anon-223740 to Valerio, Sreejita, Sam, Kate, Anastasia, Adam on 18 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Sreejita Ghosh

      Sreejita Ghosh answered on 18 Nov 2019:

      I like Physics. And you too probably will if you know how Physics can help you in sports and other hobbies. Did you know Neil de Grasse Tyson used to a boxer? I heard him say in a podcast that he used the principles of Physics (especially the concepts of load arm, effort arm and amount of force therefore required) to be a better boxer. As a jiujitsuka I also use the principles of Physics to throw bigger and heavier people in the dojo.
      If you like the sound related chapters of Physics you can end up designing amazing sound systems, like John Deacon of Queen, who made the band’s own amplifier. Thus he put together the love of music and electrical engineering (cousin of Physics) to create better music. heck you can even build your own guitar or ukulele if you are aware of the different types of materials and their natural frequencies.
      If you like Photography then Optics of Physics will help you greatly. All those fancy things photographers say, most of them are derived from the Optics chapter of Physics.
      So yeah I really like Physics. 😀

    • Photo: Anastasia Aliferi

      Anastasia Aliferi answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      I was never very good at physics so I really didn’t like it when I was at school (it was actually my lowest grade!). I later had to study it a bit more and I actually got to understand some of the things I used to struggle with and that made it much better. However it is still not my favourite!

    • Photo: Adam Wootton

      Adam Wootton answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      I really enjoyed Physics – it helped that my Dad is a Physics teacher and gave me lots of encouragement.
