• Question: Are your methods generally accepted?

    Asked by anon-223722 to Valerio, Sreejita, Sam, Kate, Anastasia, Adam on 13 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Sreejita Ghosh

      Sreejita Ghosh answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      Any scientific method is peer-reviewed before being established as an accepted method. 🙂 . We call this ‘publication’. The techniques I am using to create the new method I am working on are accepted in the scientific world. I am working towards a publication currently. We all are always trying to publish the work that we do- get the scientific community to review and accept (hopefully) our work.

    • Photo: Anastasia Aliferi

      Anastasia Aliferi answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      We make sure we get as many different people as possible to test our methods in different scenarios to make sure they work properly! That makes our methods accepted by other scientists. Especially in forensics, the process of getting a method accepted can take years because we need to be absolutely sure there are no surprises in the future.

    • Photo: Kate Winfield

      Kate Winfield answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      All our methods are put through a committee panel and are peer-reviewed before being established. We then produce guidelines and help pages on our website for scientists to follow.
